The book "The Disgraced"

Regular price ₴650.00

Defeat in the war, the humiliating Treaty of Versailles, separatist movements, communist revolts, inflation… It was against this backdrop that the Freikorps, volunteer corps that defended the fragile borders of the Weimar Republic, were formed. The battles in the Baltics, the struggle with the Poles in the east and the French occupation forces in the west — all these events, which the author aptly calls “post-war,” are still little known to the general public, although they laid the foundation for World War II. After all, “The Despised” is a kind of continuation of Jünger’s most famous work “In Storms of Steel,” because it is about the time immediately after the end of World War I. What Zalomon describes allows us to draw parallels with Ukrainian realities — it is not for nothing that the word “Freikorps” is translated as “good guys.” Even though the Freikorps lost and endured death, prison, and humiliation, their goal was more important than all these risks.

"We could not respect the homeland because we loved the nation."

Translated from German by Alexander Andrievsky.


Book language: Ukrainian

Number of pages: 528

Dimensions: 20.8 × 15.9 × 5 cm

Weight: 0.75 kg